Telling Stories: frames for the memory!

Seeing an old photograph that I had taken yesterday, brought back all sorts of memories for me and it got me wondering.  What’s your favourite memory linked with a picture frame or mirror?

Mine relates to me studying photography, producing mounted images for an exam and my first proper picture framing experience.

After studying City & Guilds Photography in Somerset, I was very flattered to see one of my final (framed) images still on my best mate’s wall recently (below).

Photography was my first real go at anything remotely creative and little did I know, would later lead me into the picture framing world that I now frequent.

The shot was taken on a wintry January morning at the Watercress Line in Hampshire.  The buckets had thick ice on the top.  I loved the colours and the formation of the shot.  Shame I didn’t take a picture of the picture very well at the time!

“Ice Buckets”

At the end of my exams, I entered it alongside fellow student’s work to be displayed at the college’s open evening.  After this event, I took it to be framed.

I remember going into the frame shop in question and I didn’t have a clue what kind of frame I needed.  Basically, I was offered a solid black frame with a white mount.  At the time, I was really happy with this, and there is/was nothing wrong with the choice (although now, I might have chosen something different or experimented).

I remember it being a very quick process with not a lot of input from me, not a lot of consultation from them either.  When I picked it up, it had a large piece of dust floating about inside.  I should have taken it back, but I didn’t.

This experience actually formed the way I approached our business when it opened.  I came at it from a customer experience point of view and the Framer came at it; both from that view and the finished product.  Although this is my first business, my previous framing experience taught me how I didn’t want to do it.

When we first opened, we were mainly a photographic gallery and picture framers.  I focused on the gallery and the business side, and if someone came in to get a picture framed, the framer was called in to advise the customer.

After gaining more confidence, and over a two and half year period, the Framer taught me how to choose frames.  He taught me about colour, tones, techniques and art appreciation.  I’m still learning every single day!  Even though (below) this is an amateur picture, I think I might think about re-printing and framing this one too!  It was taken at a house that my Mum and Dad used own.

Writing this blog reminded me that maybe framing was in my blood after all.  My Sister, a very talented fine artist, was also a framing assistant briefly in the 1980’s.  I can still see the workshop now.  Maybe I caught the bug then!?  Shame she is in Australia now!

The family at my Open Day – lots of years ago!

I’d love to hear your stories linked to memories of picture frames…

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